Rain Water, Yushui(雨水)in Chinese, is the second solar term, which signals a gradually warmer climate with less snow and more rain. It begins when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 330 degrees, and for this year, it happens on February 19th and ends on March 4th. When passing the day of Rain Water, the weather can be unpredictable for a few days, which rains in one minute and shines in another.
春雨贵如油(Spring rain is as precious as oil)
Rain is the most important element for farming especially in Spring, which is crucial for the growth of crops. Therefore, there is a saying, "Spring rain is as precious as oil"(春雨贵如油).
★观察什么What to observe
雨水三候 Three phenomena of Rain Water
There are three phenomena we usually observe in phenology during Rain Water. They are otters start fishing, wild goose flys back to the north and plants prepare to sprout silently.
1.一候水獭祭鱼 Otters start fishing
After the Rain Water, fish comes back to life when the water warms up and otters begin to fish. It’s considered to be a sign of sacrificing fish to river that the otters throw fish on the shore and arranged in line for display.
2.二候大雁北飞 Wild geese flys back to the north
After five days of Rain Water, the Yin and Yang of the heaven and earth begin to change, it is getting warmer in the south of China, the wild geese begin to fly back to the north.
3.三候草木萌动Plants prepare to sprout silently
In another five days, the Yin and Yang of the heaven and the earth meet each other, and there comes more water and vitality. The plants take the advantage of this and start to draw out buds. There is another saying to describe the way that rain water comes slowly, "moistening things silently"(润物细无声).
★饮食养生What to eat
It’s good to take proper amount of sweet food to nourish spleen and decrease sour food to keep the balance of liver during this period.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), spring relates to the organ of liver, which can be nourished by food with more sour taste. However, taking too much sour taste food will lead to the excess of liver qi, which does harm to the spleen and stomach, according to the relationship of organs by five elements. So it is suggested to take proper amount of sour food, together with sweet food that relates to spleen and stomach, and eat lightly, in order to protect the three organs.
Therefore, it’s important to take more food which is easy to be digested like fruits and vegetables. Goji berry, hawthorn, orange, kiwis, honey, coix seed, Chinese yam, lily, sugarcane(甘蔗), radish(萝卜), bamboo shoots(春笋)are all good choices.
1.枸杞 Lycium barbarum(Goji berry)
According to Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2020 edition), lycium barbarum has functions of nourish liver and kidney, boost essence and brighten the eyes. Modern researches shown that it has a wide range of biological effects, including immune-modulation, anti-aging, antitumor, neuro-protection, and hepato-protection.
According to Compendium of Materia Medica, honey has functions of “clearing heat, detoxifying and moistening dryness”, which is a “magic medicine for health and longevity”.A large cup of warm honey water every morning is good for dissolving “spring dryness”.
3.菊花枸杞蜂蜜茶 Chrysanthemum honey tea
[功效Function] 清肝清热明目,润肠通便。
Clear liver-heat and improve eyesight, moisten intestines and prevent constipation.
Put 6-9 pieces of goji berry, 3~6 pieces of chrysanthemum and a spoon of honey into a cup of hot water (250ml).
4.薏苡仁山药粥Coix seed &Chinese Yam porridge
Sun Simiao, a famous TCM doctor of Tang Dynasty mentioned that "porridge should be eaten in spring", which is good for spleen and stomach.
Remove dampness, nourish spleen and kidney.
coix seed 30g, Chinese yam15g, japonica rice 200g, ice sugar.
Wash coix seed, and soak it in cold water for 2 hours;
Cut Chinese yam into thin slices;
Clean japonica rice;
Put Chinese yam and japonica rice into the pot. Add water and boil them in high heat;
Skim off the froth, and boil them in low heat for another 30-40 minutes;
Put some ice sugar for seasoning.
★健体养生What to do
1.雨水多保暖 Dressing warmly
During the Rain Water, there is more wind, which is easy to come into our body because the sweat gland pore is open for warm weather. Therefore, it is suggested to reduce clothes one by one instead of changing them too fast, in order to keep our body warm.
There are several parts we need to pay more attention to, they are back, abdomen and foot bottom. Warming back can prevent cold air from damaging Du meridian, the "sea of Yang vessels", to reduce the chance of cold. Warming abdomen can help prevent dyspepsia and cold diarrhea. Warming feet can keep our whole body warm.
2.每日勤梳头Combing hair every day
Head is the center of all Yang meridians with important acupoints. In spring, the Yang becomes rising upward and outward. Combing hair can promote the circulation of qi and blood, to avoid stagnation. You can use your hands as a comb to massage the whole head, 100 times per day in the morning or at night.
3.按摩腹部Massage the abdomen
Massage abdomen is good to promote digestion, remove the dampness of spleen and stomach. Lying in the bed, take navel as the center, massage on the belly by turning the palm clockwise and anticlockwise for about 50 times respectively.
From the beginning of the Rain Water, the temperature gradually rises, precipitation also gradually increased. Rain Water is also the time when "inverted cold" appears. With the increase of rainfall, the evil of cold and dampness is most likely to trouble the spleen. It is recorded in Yellow Emperor"s Inner Canon that "moisture passes through the spleen". Especially for those people with spleen deficiency should pay more attention to maintenance. Zusanli(ST36) and Fenglong(ST40 )acupoints can be pressed to regulate the spleen and stomach to remove dampness.
Zusanli(ST36) and Fenglong(ST40 ) acupoint pressing: pressing 5-10 minutes each time, pressing 2-3 times a day, can regulate the spleen and stomach, remove moisture evil.
Besides above, as spring relates to the organ liver that controls the mood of anger and anxiety, people are easy to be irritated, especially for patients with high blood pressure, heart disease. Meditation, Qigong, Taichi and Yoga that can help to manage emotion are recommended.
翻译及资料整理:孙锐 党迎迎 石晗 焦媛 张若诗
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