2021 CSDE国际联合设计工作营重磅来袭,正式开启!
发布日期: 2021-11-03 12:18:17 来源: 荔枝网

由紫金奖文化创意设计大赛组委会联合北京大学、南京大学、同济大学、南京艺术学院共同发起的2021 CSDE国际联合设计工作营正式开启,重磅来袭!




2021 CSDE国际联合设计工作营




CSDE × Beijing University

Rural symbiosis and social design camp


"Rural symbiosis and social design camp" is jointly organized by the Organizing Committee of the third Purple Gold Award college student design exhibition, together with the Institute of cultural industry of Peking University and Xuanhan cultural and Creative Development Promotion Association. It draws lessons from existing practical methods, adopts rural / culture / rural culture research ideas, and adopts field observation method, tracking observation method The field research will be carried out by means of semi-structured interview. Based on the field survey data, a detailed video production scheme and stage tasks will be formulated. Combined with the development of the third college students" design exhibition, the research results will be preliminarily displayed in the "Huatian Art Museum" and displayed in the Nanjing exhibition.



CSDE × Nanjing University

Soundscape Design Camp

“声景设计工作营”是由紫金奖·第三届中国(南京)大学生设计展组委会联合南京大学媒体实验室、建筑与城市规划学院、艺术学院、现代工程与应用科学学院以及苏州国际声学产业技术创新中心和中国声学学会建筑声学分会,面向全国设计相关专业大学生,以当代声学科技与设计领域的前沿交叉为主题,让学生在跨学科协同设计的情景下,与顶尖设计师、科学家和科创企业密切互动,优秀设计成果将由苏州·中国声谷支持予以产业化落地。"Soundscape Design Camp" is organized by the Organizing Committee of the third China (Nanjing) college studentdesign exhibition of the Purple Gold Award, in conjunction with the Media Laboratory of Nanjing University, the school of architecture and urban planning, the school of art, the school of modern engineering and Applied Sciences, Suzhou International acoustic industry technology innovation center and Architectural acoustics branch of Chinese acoustic Society,facing the national college students majoring in design, and taking the cutting-edge intersection of contemporary acoustic technology and design as the theme, Let students interact closely with top designers, scientists and scientific and technological enterprises in the context of interdisciplinary collaborative design. Excellent design achievements will be industrialized with the support of China sound valley.



Term explanation:Soundscape Design

Soundscape design is a real interdisciplinary art, which needs to integrate multi-dimensional factors such as science and technology, cultural psychology, creative design and so on. Hearing is the most common way for human beings to perceive the world, so sound has also become one of the core media of the intersection of science, technology and humanities, which is reflected in the intersection of "sound + people" supported by life science and cognitive science, the intersection of "sound + environment" supported by architecture, geography and environment, and the intersection of "sound + content" supported by art, sociology and communication Cross. In this interdisciplinary context, a new design exploration is carried out with sound media as the core, including architectural design, landscape design, urban design,product design, public design, music technology and other design categories.



CSDE × Tongji University

Zootopia, Co-creating a Shared Home for Man and Nature


Over the last year, COVID-19 ravaged and threatened our lives around the world, it is nature’s warning to us all. We need to repair ourrelationship with nature, protect biodiversity and promote a value that advocates harmony between us and our environments. In this context, under the guidance of the United Nations Conference on biodiversity, the project Zootopia international youth practice camp was initiated by Nanjing Peace Forum, Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo and Tongji University"s College of Architecture and Urban Planning, and linked with many universities around the world, such as the Central Academy of fine arts, the school of landscape architecture of Nanjing Forestry University and the school of life sciences of Nanjing University. The Purple Gold Award · the third China (Nanjing) As a first-class communication platform in China, the college students" design exhibition further promotes the dissemination and implementation of the project. All parties are jointly organized by many universities, firms and research institutions around the world, forming an online and offline integrated education platform.




CSDE × Nanjing University of the Arts

Social Design in China

Nanjing University of the Arts, School of Design





The camp responds to the multi school joint course "social design in China" proposed by the design school of the Central Academy of fine arts. It is an interdisciplinary work camp hosted by the school of design of Nanjing University of art and jointly participated in the teaching with the school of Sociology of Nanjing University and the school of art of Nanjing University.

Nanjing has a long cultural pulse and literary tradition. Many writers have been active in Nanjing in various historical periods, leaving a very rich work. On October 31, 2019, Nanjing was listed as the "capital of world literature" by UNESCO, becoming the first city in China to win this title.

Nanjing Ming city wall is an outstanding case in the history of urban construction in the world. Its organic combination with urban mountains and rivers once made it show a colorful appearance. Therefore, the Ming city wall has also become one of the "city cards" that can represent Nanjing history and culture in many people"s hearts. Due to many historical changes, wars and urban development in modern times, the city walls of the Ming Dynasty were damaged, demolished and rebuilt to varying degrees. Today"s Nanjing Ming city wall, as a historical heritage that needs to be protected, as a silent symbol and as an urban symbol of Nanjing, urges us to think about whether it can integrate into the daily life of Nanjing people today and reflect the unique connecting factors between people and the city.

Therefore, this work camp looks forward to presenting the style of the world"s literary capital through the energy of social design and modern design forms and media, and interpreting the characteristics and tastes of cities, walls, literature, literary style and reading.





现在就决定来紫金奖·第三届中国(南京)大学生设计展一探究竟吧!逛展学习之旅#不虚此行 / 微店、淘宝、小程序均可购票。





















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